Keywords, specifically branded ones, provide essential insights

Buy intent and movements in the purchase journey can give marketers an edge while trying to win their trust or close sales. Keywords, specifically branded ones, provide essential insights to
marketers by analysing consumer behaviour.

Keyword research can offer further insights into the traffic being generated by branded keywords in the buying process. This is vital in structuring online marketing strategies, such as blogs, videos, tutorials, and other assets that are used in marketing.

Branded keywords contain a specific brand name that indicates the customer is in the advanced stages of the buying process. An example is the difference between the search phrase ‘best women shoes’ and ‘Koffi women’s shoes.’ When a prospect decides to type in the latter, they’ve already done more research and decided to use the Koffi brand for their particular need.

Also, during the global crisis, website owners can find it difficult to rank. This article on what you need to know about COVID-19 and SEO give suggestion on how branded keywords improve SEO during the pandemic.

Below is a demonstration of how branded keywords can help a website’s ranking:

1. Organic search ranking

Google doesn’t subjectively decide which brand or site will rank highly in search pages. Some of the key algorithm requirements that affect the high ranking in organic results include positive user experience, good SEO, and relevance of your online assets to customer queries. Branded keywords affect organic search in the following ways:

  • Website structure: With the knowledge of branded keywords, a website owner can tweak the pages’ meta tags, descriptions, and URLs to incorporate them. Since it generally improves the discoverability of the web pages, this move is in line with Google’s recommendations.
  • Informative web pages: If you notice some level of traffic directed towards your brand, then this needs some action. Blogs, product reviews, ghost blogs, how-to pages, tutorials can be made to offer more detailed information about the searches. Information on branded keywords provides marketing departments with information that aid highly targeted marketing.

2. Paid search campaigns

Google ads and other search engine ads rely on keywords to structure adverts. These campaigns are based on keyword relevance and other factors, like bid amount. In this model of advertising
that relies on Pay Per Click (PPC), the competition to appear higher in these results is very steep.

The bid standard prices or Cost Per Click also rises on generic terms, like best women’s shoes. If your marketing budget is stretched, consider bidding on branded keywords through Google ads since this offers a different approach and with improved and better results. The competition here is little, which makes brands easily rank highly in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

This strategy, however, should be used in conjunction with other tactics. If the brand has mastered the customer journey well, this could be used to re-target clients and nurture other leads.

3. Better description of online assets.

The pages’ description can result in higher traffic traction to your pages. If branded terms, like Mercedes E200, Toyota Prado, or BMW X5 are incorporated, videos about car battery maintenance, for instance, can get better and relevant traffic.

e descriptions, tags, and the right terms can only be used if proper research has been conducted. This can also be enhanced further in Google listing.

Essentially, including brand names in location, price, address, and business hours improve the overall experience of traffic and ranking.

What are Branded Keywords and how do They Help Rank Your Website?

4. Improve the basis of SEO audit

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) audit is used to evaluate the performance of websites. This provides a basis for shaping strategies that improve high ranking in SERPs. Branded keywords channel audit efforts in a constructive and highly targeted fashion

Branded keyword helps these audit steps in the following ways:

  • Keyword cannibalisation: An audit helps discover pages with similar intent and content that works against search engine basis for higher rankings. This type of audit can be used to eliminate duplicate pages with branded keywords, which increases the consistency and order in the webpages, consequently improving the ranking.
  • Backlinks: Backlinks determine the authority of websites. An audit is used to discover the quality links, links to the root domain, domain authority, and home page authority. Website owners can request a backlink audit of the blogs with branded keywords. The result can provide a basis of improving these pages

5. Improved user experience

Search engines, like Google and Amazon, generate revenue by providing solutions to customers. As a website owner, you can optimise certain articles with branded keywords to improve user experience on the internet.

Since search engines pick the positive user experience and effectively rank the pages higher, existing and prospective clients will find answers and solutions quicker.


Ranking websites highly is one of the ways to increase brand awareness and a source of leads to your business. Branded keywords offer insights and direction to marketing efforts and strategies.
Positive results in organic or paid search can be reinforced using highly targeted clients, which is achieved using branded keywords. Also, SEO audits can be improved by incorporating branded
keywords in the exercise.